Magical Fruit bag!

Say no to plastic! 

Cast on 80 st with long tail CO.

Divide to two needles and join in the round. 40 st on each side.

R 1. Purl

R 2. Knit

R 3. Purl

R 4. * BO 26 st loosely, k13 * x 2

R 5. * CO 11, p14 * x 2

R 6. Knit

R 7. Purl

R 8. Knit

R 9. Purl

R 10. Knit

R 11. Purl

R 12. * k1, yo * x 50

R 13-33. * k1, p1 * x 50

R 34. The magical row. * k1, drop 1 * x 50. Help the dropped st to unravel all the way down.

R 35-38. Knit.

R 39. * k3, k2tog * x 10

R 40-41. Knit

R 42. * k2, k2tog * x 10

R 43-44. Knit

R 45. * k1, k2tog * x 10

R 46. Knit

R 47. k2tog x 10

Break yarn and thread the yarn through the remaining 10 stitches, pull firmly and weave in the end.


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