Garnomeras Solero in english!


Do you want to knit a super easy shawl?

Try this one.

Yarn, Gradient from Schoppell-Wolle, 70 gr.

(Notice, you can use any yarn you want, make the lace at least 2 meters long)

Needles nr 6. Straight for the lace and circular for the rest.

I did 71 scallops but next time I will do at least 81!


S1p = slip 1 purlwise with yarn in front.

ktbl = knit trough back loop

kfbf= Knit front, back, front,. (3 stitches increase)

Cast on 8 st.

K7, S1p.

Rnd 1. 1ktbl, k2, yo, 2tog, 1kfbf, yo, k2.

Rnd 2. P2, (k1,p1,k1 in the yo from rnd 1) k5, yo, 2tog, S1p.

Rnd 3. 1ktbl, k2, yo, 2tog, k8.

Rnd 4. Bind off 5 purlwise, k4, yo, 2tog, S1p.

Repeat round 1-4 as long as you like, but to get a shawl that can go twice around your neck, you have to make it at least two meters long.

When you think it’s ready, BO (bind off) all stitches on rnd 4.

Do not break the yarn, keep the last loop on the needle.




Time to pick up stitches along the side.

From now on it’s the same as the Pyttipanna shawl.

Switch to a circular needle.

From the wrong side, pick up one new st in every loop as you can see in the pictures.




Now you have to count all stitches and place a marker in the middle.

Knit to the middle and 10 more stitches, turn.

Do the same thing again, knit to the middle and 10 more stitches, turn.

Knit to the stitch just before the first turn, Knit the two following stitches together (ssk), knit 2, turn.

( You can see that the gap disappear when you take the stitch before and after and knit them together).

* Knit to the stitch just before the gap, knit the two following stitches together (ssk), knit 2, turn*

From here on simply repeat from * to * until there are no stitches left.
Now, BO, elastic or an I-cord bind off.


If you are lucky, there will be only two threads to weave in.

Now it’s time to block, do it brutally 😀



I’m looking forward to hear from you, telling me about your Solero, and I’m glad if you link to my blog 😀


4 kommentarer

Under Solero, Stickat

4 svar till “Garnomeras Solero in english!

  1. Så fin sjal, färgen är härlig. /Christel

  2. Den är fin den med!!!!!

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