Virginia Creeper in autumn!

The color of this yarn reminds med of Virginia Creeper in autumn.
The name of the yarn is, Jawoll Magic from Lang Yarn, color 066. I’we used 91 gram.

Cast on 346 st on to a 5 mm cirkular needle.

3 st in the beginnig and in the end, is the edgestitches that you knit garther stitch every row.

R1. K3, *2tog, 2tog, 2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, ssk, ssk, ssk* k3
R2. K3, purl every st untill you have 3 st left, k3

Repeat this 2 row, 15 times. Or as long as you want.

Knit row 1 without the yo and then purl back (exept for the edge stitches)

The lace is ready.

Now, count all stitches and place a marker in the middle.

Knit to the middle and 10 more stitches, turn.

Do the same thing again, knit to the middle and 10 more stitches, turn.

Knit to the stitch just before the first turn, Knit the two following stitches together (ssk), knit 2, turn.

* Knit to the stitch just before the gap, knit the two following stitches together (ssk), knit 2, turn*

From here on simply repeat from * to * until there are no stitches left.
Now, BO, elastic or an I-cord bind of.

If you want, look at the Pyttipanna pattern, witch is built up in the same way and there are some pictuers that shows more.






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