Peters Cowl in english!

Ok, i will try to explain how I knitted Peters Cowl, in english.

The Waffles

The pattern is divided in 4.
When I say: slip 3, it means that you shall move 3 stitches from left to right needle with the yarn in front of the work (between you an the work)

Every row starts at the marker.

R1 *k 1, slip 3*
R2 knit
R3 knit
R4 k2 *k1 along with the hanging strand from R1, k3*

R5 – R8 is just the same but you move the the marker 2 stitches.

Yarn, Abuelita Worsted Merino or any other worsted yarn.
Needle,I used a 5mm circular needle and knitted with magic loop.

Cast on 96 stitches with an i-cord cast on (over 5 st) or, knit an i-cord (over 5 st) and pick up 95 stitches along the side (keep the last stitch from the bind off)

Join in a round and knit the first row.
Place the marker and start knitting the Waffles.
Continue with the Waffles as long as you like, mine is about 10 inch.
Make an i-cord bind off.




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6 svar till “Peters Cowl in english!

  1. Det här mönstret gillar jag men visst har du gjort en mössa också. Jag tror jag sett ett mönster på denna men nu kan jag inte hitta det. Har jag alldeles fel eller kan du leda mig rätt

  2. Liz Role

    How many meters it take?

  3. Mova Lind

    Mannen som modellar, jobbade han i Gottsunda församling för typ 10 år sen? :p isf konfirmerade han mig ^^ jättefint stickat var det också!

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